What would you like to talk about on Wednesday February 2? #ELTchat Poll

A PLN for ELT Professionals

What would you like to talk about on Wednesday February 2? #ELTchat Poll

Top choice will be discussed at 12:00 GMT & 2nd choice at 21:00 GMT

Find your own local time for each chat here for 12:00 London time and here for 21:00 London time.


2 Responses

  1. Sorry, choices 4 and 7 are one and the same, This poll maker must have been tired!

  2. zümrüt çimeli says:

    Marisaaaaaaaaaa :-)) thats funnyyyyyyyyyyyy, the poll maker got distracted somehow ;-), sure!…………my vote is for ” Effective ways to minimize TTT (Teacher Talking Time) and maximize STT (Student Talking Time) “,
    see you guys, thnx.

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