Month: March 2011

A PLN for ELT Professionals

Is what you are teaching relevant to what your students need? #ELTchat Summary 23/03/2011

This summary was contributed by John Daley – @lysurgis23 on Twitter- an  ESL instructor in Adelaide North Institute, TAFE South Australia. Thank you John for a great summary!!!!!!   The discussion was conducted on Twitter from 1200 GMT Wednesday 23rd March 2011. You can find the transcript of the Twitter chat here   Introduction Most of the people…
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How can we make observations less stressful and more a part of ongoing professional development #ELTchat Summary 23/03/2011

This summary was contributed by Priscilla Santos – @teacher_prix on Twitter! What a great job! Thank you!!!!!! To be or not to be… Observed! I have been observed a number of times since I started teaching. Those observations have happened for a number of reasons, ranging from DOS checking if I was following the school’s…
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Addressing taboo subjects in the classroom #ELTchat Summary 06/10/2010

This is the summary of an #ELTchat from October 2010 – at that time we had not introduced chat summaries to this blog. Here it is kindly contributed by Ty Kendall, @TyKendall on Twitter. Many thanks, Ty!   The chat began with a call to define what subjects are considered to be taboo. Some of the “Parsnips”…
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What would you like to talk about on Wednesday 30/03/2011?

Hi everyone,   This weekend has been full of the Virtual Round Table Conference. Two of our moderators, Shelly Terrell and Berni Wall are members of the organising team. The Conference ends today but there are dozens of recordings of sessions which are available for viewing even if were not able to attend. Click on the…
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How do you deal with Mixed Ability Classes #ELTchat 01/03/2011

Summary of the #eltchat on Mixed Abilities Posted by Shaun Wilden on March 1st, 2011 How do you deal with Mixed Ability Classes   This is the summary of the #eltchat on Wednesday 24th February. The topic was teaching Mixed ability classes   The early part of the discussion was centred on the definition of…
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How do we cater for the needs of our learners in this digital age? #ELTchat Summary 16/03/2011

This is a summary of the early #ELTchat on March 16 2011 kindly contributed by  Bruno Adnrade –  @BrunoELT on Twitter   Hello ELTchatters,   Once again I’ve voluntered to write the summary and I’d like to thank Marisa Constantines for this opportunity and apologize for the delay. Sorry! The topic of this discussion is…
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What would you like to talk about on Wednesday 23/03/2011

Hi everyone, #ELTchat – Two new discussion topics every Wednesday! We get many questions from new #ELTchat followers who would like to read through previous discussions and summaries contributed by our members of our community so here here is how you can find them: You can read them here on this blog by clicking on…
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How do we cater for the needs of our learners in this digital age? #ELTchat Transcript 16/03/2011

Transcript for the early chat on March 16 2011 – all times are GMT 12:06 pm esolcourses: RT @rliberni: @ShellTerrell I agree #mobilelearning will really allow stds to take their learning with them #eltchat – no more heavy bags! 12:06 pm rliberni: @du_siemens it’s about using your mobile phone as a learning resource #eltchat 12:06…
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The Classroom as a PLN. Why,What, then How? #ELTchat Transcript 16/03/2011

This is the transcript of the 9pm GMT #eltchat on 16.03.11 All times are GMT   01 pm Shaunwilden: Evening All, tonights #ELTChat is student PLN’s – what and how 9:01 pm Fuertesun: RT @bcnpaul1: for the next hour, my tweets dedicated to #ELTChat – me too 9:01 pm rliberni: RT @Shaunwilden: Evening All, tonights…
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How do we motivate teens to extend their speaking activities, so as to go beyond “I agree” “I disagree”? #ELTchat Summary 09/03/2011

The noontime #ELTchat on 09/03/2011 focused on how to motivate teens to extend their speaking activities, so as to go beyond “I agree” “I disagree”. A numbers of issues was raised such as motivation, being relaxed, students’ silence etc.   This summary was contributed by Anastasia Kararoudi – @tasoulazac on Twitter and although she is…
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