Month: July 2011

A PLN for ELT Professionals

What would you like to talk about on #ELTchat on August 3, 2011?

Suggest some topics for this week’s #ELTchat   Please post your topics for our next #ELTchat on Wednesday, July 20th. The highest polling suggestions from last week that were not chosen will automatically be added to this week’s poll but is there anything else that you think might make a good topic for Wednesday’s chat!…
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What would you like to talk about on July 27 on #ELTchat?

Suggest some topics for this week’s #ELTchat Please post your topics for our next #ELTchat on Wednesday, July 20th. The highest polling suggestions from last week that were not chosen will automatically be added to this week’s poll but is there anything else that you think might make a good topic for Wednesday’s chat! Top…
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Promoting Critical Thinking – Summary of #ELTchat July 14, 2011

This is the summary of the #ELTchat on July 14, 2011, contributed by Valeria Benevolo Franca, @vbenevolofrancaon Twitter.  First posted on her blog, Valéria´s Blog, it is reposted here with her kind permission.    Promoting Critical Thinking – Summary   Last Wednesday many of us came together to discuss the very challenging issue of promoting critical…
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What would you like to talk about on July 20th on #ELTchat?

Suggest some topics for this week’s #ELTchat Please post your topics for our next #ELTchat on Wednesday, July 20th. The highest polling suggestions from last week that were not chosen will automatically be added to this week’s poll but is there anything else that you think might make a good topic for Wednesday’s chat! Top…
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What would you like to talk about on Wednesday July 13th on #ELTchat?

Having a great Summer Holiday?  We really hope you are! Educators need a serious recharge of their energy batteries and we dream of you on a sandy beach, flip-flops and suntan lotion but maybe a laptop is nearby or an iPhone and you are missing #ELTchat!!!!  Suggest some topics for this week’s #ELTchat  Please post…
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What would you like to talk about on Wednesday July 6th on #ELTchat?

Please post your topics for our next #ELTchat on Wednesday, June 29th. The highest polling suggestions from last week that were not chosen will automatically be added to this week’s poll but is there anything else that you think might make a good topic for Wednesday’s chat? Top choice will be discussed at 21:00 P.M. & 2nd…
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