Month: December 2012

A PLN for ELT Professionals

Dream jobs: where do we TEFLers dream of ending up? – An #ELTchat summary (21/11/2012)

This post, written by @sophiakhan4, was originally posted on the English Australia blog and reposted here with her permission.   This post is a chat summary for a recent #ELTchat, which I was very proud to do as #ELTchat have been such a big influence on and support to #AusELT. This particular chat concerned “dream jobs”…
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The future of teaching – is it only online teaching? – An ELTChat Summary (22/11/2012)

This summary was written by @wiktor_k and has been reposted here from his blog with his permission.   Photo Credit: One Laptop per Child via Compfight   This post is a summary of another fascinating discussion on #ELTChat. If you’re new to this, head over to the website to learn more. The community is really supportive and I believe that…
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How do you balance personal/professional life? #ELTchat Summary 28/11/2012

This summary was contributed by Phil Longwell @teacherphil and is reproduced here from his blog  How do you balance personal/professional life? – An #ELTchat Summary Image: The first #ELTchat on Wednesday 28 November, suggested on the website by Mariana Manolova, posed the question of ‘How do you balance your personal and professional life as a teacher?’ This, for many, referred to…
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What would you like to talk about on 19 December?

VOTE NOW!!! If you have an idea for a topic for Wednesday’s chat then leave it as a comment on the blog and we’ll include it in the poll once voting starts on Monday. The top choice in the poll will be discussed at 1200 GMT and the 2nd choice at 21.00 GMT. Each week we…
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Using the phonemic chart – or not? An #eltchat summary (07/11/2012)

This summary was contributed by Rachael Roberts and is kindly reproduced from her blog with her permission.     Love it, hate it, feel guilty about it…or just mystified?   The first #ELTChat on Twitter 7th November 2012 discussed the phonemic chart (and script) asking ‘Do you use it? Why/why not? And how?’   There were quite a…
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How to Teach our Learners Good Oral Presentation Skills – an #ELTchat summary (03/10/2012)

This summary was written by Lesley Cioccarelli and is reproduced from her blog with her kind permission.    My suggested topic for the #ELTchat on 3rd October was: How can we teach our learners good oral presentation skills? (for general English, business English, academic English – anything!)     As always, the pace was fast and furious and…
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Does learning a foreign language help teachers teach? – An #ELTchat summary (03/10/2012)

This summary was contributed by Sue Annan @sueannan on her blog and is reposted here with her kind permission.   The people present were ably moderated by @Marisa_C, @theteacherjames and @BrunoELT.   Taking part were: @shaznosel, @teachertom, @Marialva, @stephenburrows, @Noreen_Lam, @leoselivan, @SueAnnan, @sandymillin, @hmbaba, @Mo_Americanoid, @InglesnaRede, @anna_whitcher, @dianatremayne, @knolinfos, @elawassell, @Notyetlanguage, @inkscriblr, @AnnLoseva, @MarjorieRosenbe, @SahalZyad, and a number…
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Does Feedback really help or are mistakes made by learners fossilised? – An #ELTchat summary (17/12/2012)

This summary was contributed by Stephen Burrows (@stephenburrows) and reposted from his blog with his permission.   Moderators: I’m not entirely sure who they were, but I reckon @Marisa_C, @theteacherjames and @Shaunwilden (That’s correct! – James)   Contributors: @antoniaclare @carlaarena @cioccas@David__Boughton @escocesa_madrid @hartle @ljp2010 @louisealix68 @MarjorieRosenbe @shaznosel @stephenburrows @steven_odonnell @SueAnnan@teacherthom @TESOL_Assn @vickyloras @Wiktor_K   We started with the question by @teacherthom: ”what do we mean by…
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Digital literacy in English teaching – an #eltchat summary (24/10/2012)

This summary was contributed by Andrea Wade on her blog and is reproduced here with her kind permission.   Image from This is a summary of the #eltchat which took place at 12 noon on 24th October, 2012. The full title of the chat was:   How can we increase teacher knowledge and awareness…
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What are the pitfalls to be aware of when going to work in another country? – an #ELTchat Summary

This summary was contributed by Sue Annan @sueannan on her blog and is reposted here with her kind permission.   This was the topic chosen for the evening #ELTchat of Wednesday 24th October 2012     Present , in order of comments, were: @Marisa_C, @Shaunwilden, @hartle, @ljp2010, @SueAnnan, @Wiktor_K, @teacherphili, @stephenburrows, @discovernlearn, @theteacherjames, @Noreen_Lam, @esolcourses, @vickyloras, @LozCrouch, @MarjorieRosenbe,…
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