Month: November 2013

A PLN for ELT Professionals

What would like to talk about on #ELTchat on Wednesday 04/12/13?

Vote for a Topic! [polldaddy poll=7610947] If you have an idea for a topic for Wednesday’s chat then leave it as a comment below this post and we’ll include it in the poll once voting starts on Monday. The top choice in the poll will be discussed at 21.00 p.m. and the 2nd choice at 12.00 p.m. GMT. Each…
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What would you like to talk about on #ELTchat on November 27th?

Voting Time!  [polldaddy poll=7592648] TESOL France  2010 was the first international conference where #ELTchat was officially represented and even had a booth at the exhibition! We always have fond memories of this conference!!! This weekend, TESOL France is holding its 32nd Annual Colloquium and many of the followers and contributors to #ELTchat will be there,…
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How do we actually know our ELT instruction was successful, apart from test results and other kinds of measurable evidence? An #ELTchat Summary (13/11/2013 )

When I first saw what the topic was going to be, I was reminded of a withdrawn student of mine who, having returned from his summer holiday, proudly told me that he had voluntarily taken on the role of interpreter and helped a foreign tourist communicate (successfully!) with a souvenir vendor. So I half expected…
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What would you like to talk about on November 20th?

[polldaddy poll=7575320] If you have an idea for a topic for Wednesday’s chat then leave it as a comment on the blog and we’ll include it in the poll once voting starts on Monday. The top choice in the poll will be discussed at 21.00 p.m. and the 2nd choice at 12.00 p.m. GMT. Each week we alternate…
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Does CLT place more focus on learners that are more confident – What about the quieter students #ELTchat Summary 06/11/2013

This #eltchat took place on Wednesday, 6 November 2013 from 12-1pm UTC time. Two questions were debated by 11 participants: whether CLT places greater focus on more confident learners; and CLT’s effect on quieter students. Early in the discussion it was clarified that the questions pertain to speaking.   STUDENTS’ QUIETNESS This topic drew a…
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How can teachers prepare to give a talk at a conference? #ELTchat Summary 06/11/2013

How can teachers prepare to give a talk at a conference? Summary  It’s 10 pm and I’m impatiently waiting for another #eltchat. What’s the topic tonight? Did my choice win this time? With my fingers on the keyboard, I’m waiting for the sound of the starting pistol. Here comes Shaun Wilden and announces the topic of the…
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What would you like to talk about on November 13th?

Vote for your topic  [polldaddy poll=7551587] If you have an idea for a topic for Wednesday’s chat then leave it as a comment on the blog and we’ll include it in the poll once voting starts on Monday. The top choice in the poll will be discussed at 12.00 p.m. and the 2nd choice at 21.00 p.m.…
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Freer Practice: Ways of Getting Ss to Use Target Language – an #ELTchat Summary 16/10/2013

This is the summary of the #eltchat on October 16th, 2013 and was written by Rachel Appleby  –  @rapple18  Full title Freer practice: Ways of really getting sts to use TL (vocab, grammar, phrases) in tasks / exercises, and/as a means of showing visible progress (Sp, Wr) Getting students to talk – really communicate with each…
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Dealing with multi-aged English language classrooms: An #ELTchat summary 09/10/2013

Dealing with multi-aged English language classrooms When I saw the topic for #ELTchat on 9th October was Dealing with multi-aged classrooms, I wanted to take part, even though the second chat is now at 7am my time and I that’s when I’m out walking in the bush near my house.  I struggled to keep up on…
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What would you like to talk about on November 6th?

Vote for your topic  [polldaddy poll=7532658]   If you have an idea for a topic for Wednesday’s chat then leave it as a comment on the blog and we’ll include it in the poll once voting starts on Monday. The top choice in the poll will be discussed at 21.00 p.m. and the 2nd choice at 12.00…
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