Month: November 2016

A PLN for ELT Professionals

What is your favorite tool in English teaching or English learning? #ELTchat Summary 16/11/16

#ELTchat is a (more or less) hour-long conversation which takes place on Twitter every Wednesday at 20:00 GMT/UTC.   On Saturdays one of the moderators puts up a blog post where followers can propose topics for the following Wednesday. Once the moderators have reviewed the topics they create an online poll and #ELTchat followers are…
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Submit your topic proposal for next (30/11 @ 19.00 UK time) #ELTchat

 #ELTchat kicks off every Wednesday at 7pm UK time BUT   Doesn’t stop at 8 p.m. BST!!! It turns into a slow burn chat and continues until the next day!  So, send your suggestions and be part of the discussion!  Add your suggestion as a comment below this post! Next #ELTchat on Wednesday 30/11/2016 at…
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Suggest topics for discussion! Next #ELTchat is on Wed, Nov 23 at 19.00 (UK time)

 #ELTchat kicks off every Wednesday at 7pm UK time BUT   Doesn’t stop at 8 p.m. BST!!! It turns into a slow burn chat and continues until the next day!  So, send your suggestions and be part of the discussion!  Add your suggestion as a comment below this post! Next #ELTchat on Wednesday 23/11/2016 at…
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Suggest topics for discussion! Next #ELTchat is on Wed, Nov 16 at 19.00 (UK time)

 #ELTchat kicks off every Wednesday at 7pm UK time BUT   Doesn’t stop at 8 p.m. BST!!! It turns into a slow burn chat and continues until the next day!  So, send your suggestions and be part of the discussion!  Add your suggestion as a comment below this post! Next #ELTchat on Wednesday 16/11/2016 at…
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Suggest a topic for next #ELTchat (9/11 at 19.00 UK time)

 #ELTchat kicks off every Wednesday at 7pm UK time BUT   Doesn’t stop at 8 p.m. BST!!! It turns into a slow burn chat and continues until the next day!  So, send your suggestions and be part of the discussion!  Add your suggestion as a comment below this post! Next #ELTchat on Wednesday 9/11/2016 at…
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Conversational skills in English may differ from a student’s L1 #ELTchat Summary 26/10/2016

      [slideshare id=67983838&doc=summaryeltchat26oct2016-161101101836]