#ELTchat topic ideas after the 2019 IATEFL Conference

A PLN for ELT Professionals

#ELTchat topic ideas after the 2019 IATEFL Conference

#ELTchat is always inspired by the annual IATEFL Conference and one of the questions often reviewed at the conference is about the future of ELT.

What will the future of ELT be like? 

In 2013, Jun Liu told us that teachers in the future should

1) make constant and effective changes in their teaching practices and expertise by examining their beliefs and principles,

2) learn and speak at least one another language because of the fact that tomorrow’s job market is going to be dominated by Multilingual professionals,

3) teach less to maximize student learning ,

4) not only teach English as a subject by itself, but also teach another subject using English,

5) familiarize themselves constantly with new learning and teaching trends, and finally 6) ensure learning outside the classroom using online and blended technologies. 

Source – blog post by Submitted by Addeh Hovassapian  here 

Later in 2014, Sugata Mitra brought the house down half in awe and had in anger at the closing plenary at IATEFL – we held a discussion which you can read the summary of here

Sugata Mitra and the Future of Teaching – An #ELTchat Summary (09/04/14) 

Read this summary and see what transpired in the ensuing #ELTchat

So what are your predictions after the last conference?


What does the future of ELT look like?


Join us on Wednesday at 19.00 GMT and tell us your thoughts about the future