Month: September 2019

A PLN for ELT Professionals

#ELTchat Summary Wednesday 13 March 2019 Project-based Learning

from Teachthough blog post “13 Brilliant Outcomes Of Project-Based Learning” Participants @Marisa_C @SueAnnan @fionaljp @JonjoTESOL @Michael37093679 @ClareBurke_ELT @patrickelt What is Project-Based Learning (PBL)? @jonjoTESOL and @fionaljp started the chat by deciding a good place to start would be with a definition. @fionaljp tweeted a link to a post by Katherine Bilsborough on the British Council…
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What about some new #ELTchat topics? We need your bright ideas.

Welcome back to all friends and followers of #ELTchat Just before our summer break, Sue and Fiona ran a great brainstorming #ELTchat where a lot of topics were suggested Here are a few which you might be interested in  Young Learners One thread was suggestions on topics related to young learners – we haven’t had…
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