What would you like to talk about on #ELTchat on January 11?

A PLN for ELT Professionals

What would you like to talk about on #ELTchat on January 11?

Time to vote

The highest polling suggestions from last week that were not chosen will automatically be added to this week’s poll if there aren’t enough new topics – but is there anything else that you think might make a good topic for Wednesday’s chat!

Top choice will be discussed at 12.00 GMT & 2nd choice at 21.00 GMT

All times are GMT. Each week we alternate top and second choice.

Please bear in mind that if you are proposing a topic you should try and join the chat if it is chosen (though time zones can make that difficult). Please also note that the chat moderators do monitor the voting. There have been recent cases of block voting which has skewed and manipulated the polls. In such cases the votes will be disqualified and results of poll will be announced on our blog.

How to choose topics for #ELTchat Discussions

Since we started #ELTchat last September, we have discussed a wide number of topics, but with many new members joining our conversations every week, it is very natural that we will get requests for topics which we “have done”.

Please, include topics which

  • have not been covered already in previous #ELTchats
  • are relevant to ELT teachers and teaching foreign languages
  • are not targeted attacks on individuals or institutions
  • are simply and clearly expressed.

The #ELTchat moderators reserve the right not to post comments or to include them in the poll if they do not follow the above guidelines.

Before you propose a topic, do please check the transcripts index on this blog or go to the #ELTchat wiki and click on the Transcripts or Summaries Links to see what has been covered so far.

If you see your topic but would still like to discuss a different aspect or set of issues, do submit it and we will consider including it again!

Our Summaries & Transcrips Index

Sandy Millin has kindly offered to update the page where you can find links to all the transcripts and summaries available

Click here to find it or look for it on the pages menu on the right hand side.

Read those great posts which we have collected and make sure you visit the pages of the bloggers who contributed them. too!!!!


Looking forward to you ideas for some great

topics for our next chats





8 Responses

  1. Ayman Mohammad says:

    How to help slow learners inside and outside classroom?
    Suggestions on designing remedial classes for young learners; 11-13

  2. @elmasitaa says:

    This topic is the one on which I would like to develop myself professionally. —
    How to deal with different aptitude levels in EFL classes.

  3. Raquel_EFL says:

    What’s our main goal as 21st century educators: maximise our Ss’ affordance potential or prepare them for grammar-based exams? – How do we (re)act to this issue?

  4. Following Burcu Tezcan-Unal’s @burcutezcanunal great blogpost on ‘6 Tips to kill learner autonomy in EFL’, I suggest discussing ways we can enliven (enourage, enable, promote) LEARNER AUTONOMY

  5. I would like ,how communicative language teaching is very important nowadays.

  6. Shaun Wilden says:

    Hi Lesley,

    We discussed learner autonomy on 30.03.2011 . I think the topic angle is almost the same? If you think it isn’t then I’ll happily add it next week.


  7. Shaun Wilden says:

    Hi Abker,

    Thank you for your suggestion, we discussed the communicative approach on 06.07.2011 and I think the topic was almost the same – if you think we should still discuss CA then please resuggest the topic next week.


  8. Thanks Shaun, I thought Learner Autonomy had probably been done before, but I was on posting from my phone and it was difficult to search – sorry! I had missed that chat last March, and there wasn’t a summary done by the look of things, which is probably why I didn’t remember it. But it was many months ago and we’ve had topics repeated before, so if you don’t mind could you put it to the vote next week to see if there’s any interest? I think the issues mentioned in @burcutezcanunal’s blogpost http://btezcan.edublogs.org/2012/01/08/6-tips-to-kill-learner-autonomy-in-efl-learner-autonomy/ are worth discussing.
    Cheers, Lesley

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